Monday, April 20, 2009


The best recepie is the one that you create
from the movie "No Reservation"

Every year I take at least a week off from my 9 to 5 so that I can catch up with myself. This is usually a staycation (vs a vacation) where I stay home and attempt to declutter my surroundings. Two of the values that I am teaching my children is the importance of timeliness and organization. Needless to say I am still a work in progress, however I maintain a framework of order so that we do not fall into total disrepair.

When issues are resolved in a timely fashion it reduces the build up of a monstrous "to do" list. Conversely, I could easily run myself ragged by trying to complete every task once they arise. At times I am walking that thin line of deciding to rest from a long day of work or just fall headlong into the cozy arms of procrastination. This is when I stop and "self collect" so that
I can make the most appropriate decisions.

Over the years I have learnt to constantly "self collect" This is my abbreviated form of meditation which I use as a pick- me -upper to get me through a slump. I can usually self collect while on the run, because if I stop to do a full blown fifteen minute meditation I will fall asleep.

Working moms (in and outside the home) master the art of Strategic Planning so that our time is used efficiently. We have this built in GPS system that we use to plan our day so that we maxamize both time and energy. Gone are the days when we just hit the Mall and stop at any store we please. Oh no, we usually start with a mental note of the physical location of each store and then we "push pin" the order in which we will get to each one. Time of day is usaully a factor, because we have to avoid long lines and rush traffic so that we are home on time to meet the school bus and begin our real job of tending to the kids.

It is a great feeling to have a clean and organized house; the trick is to maintain it during the everyday unexpected events that occur when there are small children around. When my physical surroundings is 'organized" it has a calming effect on my mental state. As I grow older I am learning the value of taking time to "mind my own business" This is when I actively review and create a POA for my self and my family.

Utopia Moment - There is a German quote that says - "Too soon old, too late smart" I am a living testament to that quote because the older I get the wiser I become but alas, I am too old to make good use of my new found wisdom. The next best thing is to pass on that wisdom to my children and maybe they will learn a thing or two.

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