Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Baby and a Brain

Women were born to seve but we are not the main course

Christiane Northrup

Who knew that the fastest way to start loosing your mind was to have a baby. Years ago when I was expecting my first child I read one of those "mommy books" and in it they said that one of the side effects of being pregnant is memory loss. I thought the author was going a bit overboard, but alas ........she was right! Not only did my memory become sluggish, it just got up and walked right out the door.

When I had my second child I would joke with my friends and tell them that at each child birth I lost brain cells with the expulsion of the placenta. Guess what? They totally agreed because they felt the same way. I was not alone.

Now that I have kid number three, I have diagnosed myself with Junior Alzheimer's. The prognosis is not good because as the kids get bigger my memory gets weaker. Each day I have to make a conscious decision to "think" Its very similar to pusing a car, the car is moving not because the driver is sitting behind the wheel and operating the car; but he is behind the car with his hands on the rear bumper, pushing. Yep, that would be me and my brain. I am constantly trying to jump start it.......without cables.

The perfect solution would be for expecting moms to grow a brain during the nine month gestation period. This new brain would service the needs of the new baby while leaving the original brain free. We all know that is not going to happen. Not to despair I have found a solution, I use the kid's brains. They are the reason why I am in this sad state of desrepair anyway. I usually say, Tommy remind mummy to do so and so. Guess what, he does.

Utopia Moment : Seriously though, my life has changed since having children. There are more good days than bad but it takes proper planning and a lot of flexibility in order to remain sane.

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