Monday, January 19, 2009


There are no shortcuts to any place worth worth going.

-Beverley Stills

My pastor's wife is the ultimate facilatator. She is very creative in guiding us through thought provoking exercises. At times Sis H conducts meetings that challenges us to reach deep down into the far recesses of our minds. We come away with plans and ideas that would not have seen the light of day if it were not for her unique approaches.

During our first service for the New Year (09) Sis H had us do an exercise about starting over. The phrase for consideration was " If I could change the years I would ............." True to form we all had tons of grand "coulda shoulda wouldas"

Of course we cannot reach back and change the years so the real gem was to follow. "Since I cannot change the years I can still ............." You could actually see everyone minds churning as they thought about this new phrase. The challenge was to think about what we could realistically do within the confines of remaining true to ourselves.

I came away from this exercise knowing that the only way to avoid starting over every New Year was to not let myself become bound by the hands of time. I have to commit to do the every day practical steps that will allow me to attain my goals.

For the year that lay ahead lets make the words of Ralph Marston apart of our daily lives -:

In order to make progress, you must know exactly where you intend to go. Choose a clear and specific destination, and then you can get busy going there.
Having a vague idea of where you want to go is not going to do you any good. Know exactly where you desire to be and you're already well on your way there.
The dreams that are compelling are the dreams that will motivate you to take whatever action is necessary. And the most compelling dreams are the ones with rich and meaningful details.
The goals you will achieve are the goals you can fully describe. Give real life and substance to your goals and you'll quickly begin to realize them.
You can choose any destination you wish for your life. So choose one that thrills you and compels you to be the best you can be.
Delight in the rich details of where you are headed. And you'll work your way steadily there.
-- Ralph Marston

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