Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bringing Simple Back

Nothing is something

..........As a specie we have not evolved from the Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest. It is no longer a rat race but a fight of the Super Dogs. Everyone is smart, educated and hip on their game. It's a matter of who has the bigger bite. The average person works the better part of day light for five days a week. That would be palatable for the short term. But for most of us it is a sixty five year plan and we still end up with minimum resources. There was a time when humans lived for centuries and their daily existence was supplied with basic items. Not so any more. We need to have high end goods to meet our daily needs. Hence we work long hours to supply things that we think are necessary to make our lives richer.

I firmly believe that we were not created to ' race through life at a frenzied pace". Life is a once in a life time event yet we spend so much of our time in a destructive manner. We have evolved into a nation of "must haves" which leaves little room for enjoying life. People look at you strange if you do not have the latest smart phone or video game. It behoves me as to why a cell phone has more features than a car!

I am a proponent of change but I also believe that there should be a limit. People's wants have more than surpassed their need. The concept of 'upgrading' and 'trading in' has done a superb job of camouflaging big spending. The business owners are more than happy to fulfill our desire for more. And we have used our meager earnings to propel them into the class of the uba -rich. We have become a nation of visual shoppers and will move mountains to have the latest technological device. Mindless spending has resulted in a negative impact on our qualitly of life. Here, I must quote the classic cliche "less is more".

The common belief is that we are more advanced that our ancestors but nothing could be further from the truth. Our forefathers did a lot of manual labor yet they found time to enjoy the finer things of life. They wrote poetry, painted masterpieces, sewed hand made quilts, told stories and built strong family bonds. This was accomplished because they had an appreciation for the intangible things of life and they balanced this with exquisite time mangement skill.

Our ancestors knew when it was time to lay down their work tools and go home. Then they would spend time resting and enjoying this thing called Nature which was created by God for humans. In our present century we have tons of time saving device and less time to enjoy the time that we saved with our device.

Utopia Moment -Living a simple life does not mean a poor existence.

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